
    For the past week, I’ve been thinking a lot about information. I can easily go on the internet and find any piece of information to prove a point that I’m trying to make. Let’s say my friend and I get in an argument over whether the dress was white and gold, or black and blue. I could easily find people arguing both sides. Or maybe we can’t agree on whether coal-rolling trucks are better than fuel-efficient cars. I can find sources that argue in favor of both sides. Looking at this from a perspective of legitimate research, where on earth am I supposed to find a reliable, accurate source?? 

    One thing I have tried to develop is a radar for bias. We tend to show bias towards things that are more pleasing to us. Whenever I detect bias in something I’m reading/listening to, I purposely question it to look for accuracy. I look for statements that don’t have research backing them, things that claim something extreme, or even things that are commonly stated. This comes in handy when I’m researching something of importance.

    The reason I bring this up is because of something I was discussing in class the other day. We were talking about the heavily controversial topic of whether children in traditional mom-and-dad families are at a greater advantage than children who grow up in single parent, or same-gender parent homes. I’ll admit, it’s been awhile since I’ve been in a social science based class. I’m a biology major, so most of the content I’m learning about is either proven fact, or doesn’t solicit much discussion. It’s been interesting for me to study about things that aren’t as set in stone for a change. One thing I’ve noticed right away is how important it is to look to reliable sources. Just because a source is popular, doesn’t mean it’s accurate. For instance, one source I’ve been focusing on shows many flaws in another widely influential document that claims to study the children of same-gender parent families. The research on this document wasn’t credible, and no one bothered to check it. They simply read and accepted what was written, most likely because they agreed with what was being said. I really think it’s important to have accurate sources, so we can draw accurate conclusions. 

    Concerning the aforementioned controversial topic of family structures, I have developed my own opinions through my life. Being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I believe in the divine organization of families with male and female parents. I know this is a sensitive thing to discuss, and many people have different battles that they’re given to fight. But I know that God has commanded this of us, and He completely understands us. I’m going to continue blogging and showing things that are proven through research. I do have a testimony of God and receiving personal guidance through prayer. I also value finding answers to questions through research and discovery. I have a feeling that as I keep blogging, much of the research I’ll be studying will support my religious views. Keep reading to see for yourself:)

- Cassie


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